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What are you waiting on?
Okay we are almost to the new year Thanksgiving is over ,and Christmas is on the way.We have 36 days till the year is up.Is there anything you haven’t accomplished in 2010 that you need to resolve now or by the end of the year?All though 36 days is not long.I pose these questions:Do you have a family member you need to forgive or apologize to?.Do you need to quit addictive behavior?Do you need to quit yelling at your children?Do you need to step your game up with your job?Do you need to enroll in January 2011 college classes?Do you need to start paying your tithes?Do you need to quit sleeping around with men or women you're not married to?Remember this blog is for men too!Do you need to quit homosexual behavior?Do you need to be more positive?Do you need to change eating habits?Do you need to start paying child support?Do you need to spend more time with your children?Do you need to have a deep conversation with your teen that you’ve been avoiding .Do you need to develop a relationship with Christ?Some of these questions I've posed are things I've personally dealt with.Now going into 2011 let’s not push these things back in our mind and act like they don’t exist because they do.Deal with it head on, and I promise you won't regret it!
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