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You Are Not Alone!
Yesterday while at an event something came to my mind, I was feeling down. And you are not alone popped up in my mind! So here it goes! A lot of times as a single person you can become lonely. It may seem like that perfect mate or friendship is never coming. You are not alone! Never look at someone else’s life and value there relationship over your own life, like envy. More than likely it’s not what it seems. You are not alone! There are thousands of people just like you! You are not alone! It won’t be like this forever. You are not alone! One day somebody who appreciates you will come along. You are not alone! Don’t settle for abuse. You are not alone! Hold your head up high. You are not alone! Take time to learn about you. You are not alone! Value your self image! You are not alone! Spend more time with your children. You are not alone! Don’t worry about not having anybody to rub your feet, go get a pedicure! You are not alone! You are not alone! Its okay to cry, just don’t stay there forever. You’re not alone! Start on a vision. You’re not alone! Go back to school. You are an over comer! You are not alone! Never settle for less!
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