Victory is Yours

As I sit on my porch enjoying this lovely, wonderful 70 degree weather.The word that comes to mind is victory! All week long Ive been praying asking God to give me a topic to write on and here it is Victory.The definition of victory in the Webster dictionary means the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist,achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.You've already been given victory your still alive and breathing, the war against the devil is already won.Now you have too believe that victory is yours and speak it! That man or woman that tried to destroy you DIDN'T SUCCEED! That college degree you struggled to get is now yours. That new job is manifesting its self right now! That utility bill that needs to be payed to keep your lights on is paid!That depression you feel is leaving!!! Your sick family member is being healed right now.The reason I know first hand is, because I've seen victory manifested in my life/family/friends. I THANK YOU JESUS! #sorrysometimesigetemotionalwhenithinkofthegoodnessofJesus...

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