Encourage Yourself

Today while sitting at my desk I started reminiscing on how good God truly is. Looking at the highs and the lows me and my family have experienced throughout the years. All I can say is I’m encouraged truly. When I’m walking thought out the day I speak  words of life such as: I will make it, I'm a child of God, My children are blessed, I'm blessed, God is working in my favor, I will be successful, God wins the devil loses, My children are great children of God and by also quoting bible verses like Psalms 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want….These affirmations will build you up guaranteed.Try it you won't regret it. After you’ve spoken these words of wisdom for a week reply to this comment and let me know how it went.



  1. AMEN! What a blessing to look at life the way you looked over your life in 2010. That is just how Christ would have us to do to have a thankfulness heart. God bless you and your family in the coming New Year 2011

  2. I could tell you now that those wordz of Faithfulness TRULY work! Just like reading the Holy Bible EVERYDAY is food for the soul. *smile* I find that I am REALLY hungry when I go too long without reading it. I also find ma dayz to be quite hazy or just moody when I haven't read ma Bible in awhile. Either way not having that relationship & fellowship with Christ REALLY makes me feel lost. *smile*
    Stay Blessed..

  3. God bless your families also.Im thankful for the both of U.There's nobody greater than God!That relationship with christ is truly important.



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