My Spiritual Husband

Being a single woman isn't always easy. But I will tell you one thing, God has been my spiritual husband and counselor. The last six months has been so hard for me and my family financially,spiritually and mentally. Faith IS the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Well today I'm here to tell you things are better so much better!
So through trials and tribulations God will always be there rather I'm single or not. Through all of this, even though I cried daily, I kept consistent with my christian lifestyle. Don't give up on God because he won't give up on you! He's able

1 comment:

  1. *So through trials and tribulations God will always be there rather I'm single or not* I love your statement and it is so true. I recently was having a convo with some new friends explaining how difficult single life is during my 2 year post divorce life. I have lived in a myriad of emotions but just as you have stated God is always there. I am comforted most often reminding myself that God would never withhold anything good from me. And generally it is our misconceptions about his character that create disappointment and confusion. He is a mender of the broken hearted and that is not a cliche.

    ~Courtnee @courtneescott


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